Our Best Asset
At My Financing USA, our best asset is our team. With decades of industry experience, our team of experts is here to walk you through the process of securing the RV or Boat of your dream.
At My Financing USA, our team is our family.
Meet Our Management Team
Thomas W Carrier
Chief Executive Officer
Kim Kannapel
Chief Operations Officer
Kris Bailey
Chief Technology Officer
Christopher Amiot-Funk
Chief Information Officer
Amber Lazrovitch
Human Resources & Development Manager
Shawna Howze
Executive Assistant
Nathaniel McAtee
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Brent Lewellen
Loan Manager
Kristy Cvcheko
Loan Manager
Brent Turner
Director of Marketing
Amelia Williamson
Titles Manager
Aaron Bush
Customer Care Manager
Joe Claggett
Closing Manager
Ryan Rice
Senior Accounting Specialist
John Browning
Executive Administrator
A Company You Can Trust
RV Industry Association
We are a contributing and accredited member of the RVIA.
RV Dealer Association
We are a contributing and accredited member of the RVDA.
5 Star Rated On Trustpilot
We are the highest rated RV & boat lender in the USA.
National Marine Lenders Association
We are a contributing and accredited member of the NMLA